to invest please send 0.001 Eth or more to the following Smart Contract address


and get 20% Bonus Directly till token sale end 

 Weekly Prizes (for 2 months): 80% Bonus

Set GAS =150,000 and GWEI= 10

All unsold tokens will be randomly and distributed to 100 token sale participants who contributed at least with 1 Eth or more

etherscan : 

 Total Supply : 10,000,000,000 TRC

Symbol : TRC

Decimals : 18

Price token : 0.00001 Eth

Tokensale starts: 31/08/2018  11:00:00 GMT

Tokensale ends: 15/03/2019  12:00:00 GMT

 Soft Cap : 3000 Eth

Hard Cap : 28500 Eth

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